November 2, 1800: John Adams invites his wife Abigail to join him at the White House

My dearest friend,

We arrived here last night, or rather yesterday, at one o Clock and here we dined and Slept. The Building is in a State toWhite House 1800 be habitable. And now we wish for your Company. The Account you give of the melancholy State of our dear Brother Mr. Cranch and his family is really distressing and must severely afflict you. I most cordially Sympathize with you and them.

I have seen only Mr. Marshall and Mr. Stoddert, General Wilkinson and the two Commissioners Mr. Scott and Mr. Thornton.

I shall say nothing of public affairs. I am very glad you consented to come on, for you would have been more anxious at Quincy than here, and I, to all my other “Solicitudines Mordaces” as Horace calls them i.e. “biting Cares” should have added a great deal on your Account. Besides it is fit and proper that you and I should retire together and not one before the other.

Before I end my Letter I pray Heaven to bestow the best of Blessings on this House and all that shall hereafter inhabit it. May none but honest and wise Men ever rule under this roof.
I shall not attempt a description of it. You will form the best Idea of it from Inspection.

Mr. Brisler is very anxious for the arrival of the Man and Women and I am much more so for that of the Ladies. I am with unabated Confidence and affection your

John Adams

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