July 23, 1947: Harry Truman’s Diary Entry

Had the usual hectic day, though not so bad as some I’ve had.

Lectured eleven junior Democratic Congressmen on foreign policy. Had four Republicans not long ago-nice young men, to whom I gave the same treatment. If I could only get all the young ones together, the military & foreign policy would become the law of the land.

Talked to young Franklin for almost thirty minutes on Jews, New York, California, his daddy’s papers and political matters generally. Said he & his mamma were not with Henry Wallace! Truman-

Went to Jim Forestal’s house to a party for Bob Patterson. It was a nice one. A couple of Senators-Vandenburg & Gurney, the Cabinet, Gen[eral] Eisenhower & three Navy Captains. Don’t know [why] Leahy, Nimitz & House members were not there. Sam Rayburn was present-only House member there.

How we’ll miss Mrs. Patterson! as well as the Sec[retary] of War. Looks as if we’ve lost a grand, honest man & wife of the same caliber and have gained a good man and a baby talking, henna haired lady. She went to school with Claire Booth Luce-too bad I’d say. Cabinet women are a problem. I’ll write a book on it some day

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